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The KTA announces third privatization round

Prishina, 15 September 2003 - The Kosovo Trust Agency has announced the privatization of the follwoing SOEs in Kosovo (Socially Owned Enterprises).

IDGJ Tobacco (cigarettes/fermented tobacco) in Gjilani region. IDGJ Tobacco processes and sells tobacco products to the Kosovar wholesale market.

Banja e Kllokotit, is in Gjilan Region and is a producer of bottled mineral water and CO2 gas for industrial clients.

Trepca Butane Filling Station, in Mitrovica offers butane storage services and could potentially serve as a butane filling station.

Trepca Plastic Factory, in Mitrovica can produce battery boxes and covers weighing between 25 and 1,300 grammes.

IMB Warehouse, is located in Mitrovica municipality and leases its premises to private companies.

Trepca Hotel No.3, in Zvecan municipality. The hotel offers accommodation and restaurant services. The premises of the NewCo are on about 900 m2 of land.

"Trepca Canteen Mitrovica", is located in Mitrovica municipality. This canteen offers restaurant services.

Teuta 1 (Old Factory), is located in Istog municipality. The main products of the enterprise are wool carpets and woolen blankets.

Teuta 2 (New Factory), is located in Istog municipality. The main products of the enterprise are wool carpets and woolen blankets.

Ringov Brick Factory, is located in Peja municipality. Ringov produces solid bricks in a ring kiln, which is supplied by the clay quarry on premises.

Trepca "Industrial Batteries" (Peja). FBI Trepca specializes in the production of different types of industrial size batteries. Both stationary models and models for vehicles are produced.

Progresi Printing in Mitrovica region, produces high volume, single-colour printed materials including advertising, books, newspapers and forms.

Hotel Korzo is attractively located in the center of Peja town and its prime location offers very good prospects for hotelier and restaurant operations.

Kri-Kos, (glass processing) is located in Prishtina municipality. Kri-kos mainly caters to retail shops and individuals in Kosova.

Lipjan Bottling Plant (formerly known as Coca-cola) is located in Lipjan municipality. It has a capacity for soft drinks and mineral water bottling, wholesale and distribution of beverages.

Produkt Bread Factory (Produkt No.1) in Peja, is the only bread production plant in Peja region.

Produkt Bread Factory (Warehouse no.1), is located in Peja region. It is a two-storey warehouse with a total surface of 2,145 m2. The warehouse is in good condition.

Produkt Bread Factory (Warehouse no.2), is located in Peja region. It is a one and half storey warehouse with total surface of 1,000 m2.

Produkt Bread Factory (Land plot no.1), is located in Klina municipality, Peja region. It serves as a collection point for the wheat produced by local farmers.

Produkt Bread Factory (Land plot no.2), is located in Istog municipality, Peja region. It serves as a collection point for the wheat produced by local farmers.

18 Nentori (Plastics), is located in Rahovec municipality and is a plastic processor, specializing in the production of plastic film and plastic bags for industrial and domestic users. The enterprise produces a wide range of plastic component, containers and furniture.

18 Nentori A Xerxe, (Rahovec) used to manufacture battery parts. The injection moulding equipment is capable of operating with other (non battery) type moulds.

18 Nentori B Xerxe, (Rahovec) is primarily a warehouse. This 10,000m˛ factory unit is suitable for conversion to a number of commercial uses. In addition there is a large area of land to the rear of the property that may be further developed for commercial or private purposes.

18 Nentori C Hoqa e Madhe, (Rahovec) is used to manufacture plastic bottles using blow-moulding technology. This factory unit ceased operations in 1999. As a vacant factory unit, this facility is suitable for conversion to a number of commercial uses.

To receive further information, interested investors should contact the KTA which will provide them with additional information on how to bid.

Kosovo Trust Agency
The Privatisation Department
Green Building (Duhani), Rruga Vellusha II, Prishtinë/Priština, Kosovo
Tel:++ 381 38 500 400 255 Fax: ++ 381 38 248 076
E-mail: soetenders@eumik.org
Website: www.kta-kosovo.org

The date for submitting bids is 11th November 2003
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Background information for foreign investors

Kosovo: General Information
Kosovo: Key economic indicators
Why do business in Kosovo?
Legal Framework in Kosovo
KTA and Privatisation in Kosovo

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